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Buying, Selling and Renting Units within Oceanside Cove
Oceanside Cove, does not handle the buying, selling or renting of units. All units are privately sold or managed though a relator. Our managing agent Alexander Wolf & Company’s Legal department processes shareholders’ resales, sublets, and refinances or home equity loans. Before selling your unit we suggest that all shareholders reference all rules and regulations to ensure that they are in compliance with the rules of all the corporations.
Golden Age Housing - Town of Hempstead Housing Authority (Oceanside Knolls)
The Town of Hempstead created and adopted the unique Golden Age Zoning district to allow affordable housing for senior citizens in a public/private partnership. The Golden Age zone classification promotes senior housing to seniors over 62 years of age, by permitting construction of more units per area than normally allowed. In turn, the private developer agrees to sell the apartments at a price well below the current market value. All apartments have a property tax abatement. Oceanside Knolls is golden age zoned and a portion of the Oceanside Cove Community that is made up of 120 units, 48 one-bedroom and 72 two-bedroom units. More information can be found about this program by going to the Town Of Hempstead - Housing Authority Website or you can contact the Town of Hempstead Housing Authority directly at, 760 Jerusalem Avenue, Uniondale, NY 11553, (516)485-9666.